"Be the Tree" Rites of Passage Program for Woman - Cohort 23 - SPRING 2025

In these turbulent times, Black and Brown women find themselves at the center of systemic attacks on their dignity, autonomy, and power. The "Be The Tree" Rites of Passage Program for Women stands as a lighthouse, illuminating the path through these dark moments.

Be The Tree” ignites mental, spiritual and emotional shifts in the lives of the women who choose to take part in the 4-month virtual process. Graduates of the program share that the program opens up a pathway to a deeper understanding of themselves and provides a greater sense of power and purpose in the world. 

This program is more than a rites of passage; it is a movement—a sacred space where women can reclaim their power, shift oppressive narratives, walk in their purpose, enjoy the pleasures of life and restore their sovereignty. 

Register Today for "Be the Tree"  Cohort 23 

"Be The Tree" is a fertile ground where the seeds of hope, resilience, and empowerment are planted and nurtured. Through the collective’s work, these seeds spread—one woman, one community, one generation at a time—creating a ripple effect of possibility and transformation.

The program offers women a sanctuary to:

  • Reclaim their authentic voices.
  • Illuminate the truth of their lived experiences.
  • Amplify their capacity to lead, heal, and inspire.

Through this dynamic and engaging curriculum, women are empowered to expand their capacity to partner, share, and trust themselves and others. Participants will conclude their journey with a sacred closing ceremony, receive a certificate of completion, and join the lifelong network of the "Be The Tree" collective—an empowered community committed to ongoing growth, leadership, sisterhood, partnership, and coaching. 

Together, we S.O.W the seeds of a brighter future, a future where infinite possibilities bloom, and women rise as torchbearers of equity, justice, and love. Join us in cultivating this transformative legacy and becoming a beacon of light in a world that needs it most. Be The Tree. Be the Change.

Tuition Details:

Full Program Tuition: $1,750 


Pay in FULL by March 1, 2025 and receive a $200 Discount = $1,550


If paid via 4 - Month Payment Plan: $462.50/month

Additional $100 Fee


What You Can Expect Your Be the Tree Rites of Passage Program to Include:

  • AN OPENING RITUAL to initiate you into the “Be The Tree" Rites of Passage process
  • FULL MEMBERSHIP IN A COLLECTIVE of power-full women
  • WEEKLY “VIRTUAL” GROUP SESSIONS to activate mind, body, spirit transformation  
  • A SET OF TOOLS and systems to support you with initiating and sustaining  your mind, body, spirit transformation
  • LIFE’S WORK ASSIGNMENTS to allow you to practice, apply and reinforce the tools and skills that you learn in the process.
  • A COACH to guide you through the possible and support you with Inner’standing, understanding and practicing the tools
  • A CLUSTER OF W.I.S.E WOMEN who will be assigned to be your accountability partners as you move through the process
  • A WEEKLY 1 HOUR 15 MINUTE CLUSTER CALL to practice the tools/distinctions of the program, connect with your cluster Si-stars and to work with your coach.
  • MEMBERSHIP IN OUR “SECRET” FACEBOOK GROUP (The group is not open to the general public. Members are current participants, graduates, coaches and/or facilitators for the program)
  • ACCESS TO THE “BE THE TREE”  COACHING TEAM to provide guidance, answer questions and support you as you move through the process    
  • RITUALS & SACRED RITES that will allow you to experience the power of the collective, tap into your spirituality and deepen the process
  • SPECIAL EVENTS/SERVICES for you and your extended community
  • A CLOSING CEREMONY which include a certificate of completion and tokens that reflect your experience and accomplishments while in the program

Tuition Payment Plans

4-Monthly Installments of $462.50

Click here!

Full-Tuition Payment of $1,750

Click here!

How to Get the Most Out of the Program

Honor your tuition agreement as outlined (pay the amount that you are required to pay on the date(s) designated in your agreement);


Keep/Honor your WORD (keep the sacred agreements as outlined by the program);


Attend each of the virtual sessions;


BE ON TIME for every session or supplemental meeting;


Bring a positive and optimistic attitude to the process. You get what you give. Treat others and the process the way that you want to be treated;


Stay in communication. Maintain ongoing contact with the Coaches & The Members of the Collective – In Person, Virtually, Text, Phone Calls, Email etc.;


BE COACHABLE. Be open to the feedback and nourishment that the leadership and sisterhood provide as you move through the sacred process;


Connect with your “Be The Tree” Sisterhood (Participants & Leaders). Complete ALL of the “Life’s Work” Assignments, AS DESIGNED;


Ask questions for clarification and to forward the process and progress;


Expect to be challenged.. Be open and willing to receive honest and direct coaching & feedback;


Use your journal to record what you learn and to reflect on your progress;


Wear comfortable clothing as we will be engaging in physical activities;


Fully participate with the process while in session and outside of the process, and 


Apply what you learn to every facet of your life. This journey is designed to have an impact on your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual development. 

Tuition Payment Plans

4-Monthly Installments of $462.50

Click here!

Full-Tuition Payment of $1,750

Click here!

Join the "Be the Tree" Rites of Passage Collective for Women Today!

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Still have questions? Please feel free to email [email protected] for further assistance.


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